My Favourite Places

Whenever a client and I are messaging back and forth, discussing the details of a session, location is one of the first things we discuss.  Where and when we will shoot is the most important component of a great session. 

Photography is quite literally the "record of light" or "light-writing". I want to find the perfect light by choosing the perfect location and time of day to record my client's personality and beauty.    

No location is right at everytime of day or in every season.  

Some locations are stunning at sunset but hit or miss at mid day.

Others are gorgeous just as the sun wakes up but are a lot less interesting even an hour later.

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I have some favourite spots, some secret and some so well loved that we photographers are practically tripping over each other. I want to take the next few days and share my favourite locations; glens, glades, puddles and ponds.